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The Rev. Dr. Scott N. Kindred-Barnes - Pastor

B.A., M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D.


Born and raised in the Annapolis Valley, Scott was an amateur boxing champion before an interest in psychology and the history of sports moved him to study at university. Throughout Scott’s undergraduate years he read widely in the Western tradition and traveled on three continents. This process gradually inspired him to faith in Jesus Christ where he abandoned his previous agnosticism for Christianity. He completed a B.A. in history from Acadia University and his M.Div. degree from Acadia Divinity College.

​In 2002 Scott and his spouse Kerry moved to Newmarket, Ontario, where Kerry worked as an elementary school teacher and Scott pursued further graduate studies at the University of Toronto. Scott worked as an Adjunct Faculty member at Toronto School of Theology from 2007 to 2011 where he taught in the Historical Department. While at the University of Toronto he taught courses in Reformation history in the Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College. He has also taught the History of Western Civilization at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario. In 2011, Scott and his family moved from the Greater Toronto Area to Ottawa. From 2011-2018 Scott served as the Minister of the Congregation at First Baptist Church Ottawa, before moving from the nation’s capital to Wolfville where he now serves as the Senior Pastor of Canada’s oldest continuing Baptist Church.


Scott’s two research degrees at the University of Toronto focused on Reformation history and theology. He continues to research and publish on the history of religious persecution and toleration in the West and in Reformation studies. He has a particular interest in the ideas and legacies of Roger Williams and Richard Hooker. Scott’s publications include: Richard Hooker and Reformed Orthodoxy co-edited with Bradford Littlejohn (Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2017); “Another Look at the ‘Learned Tracts published long since’: More on Richard Hooker’s Early Reputation” in Reformation & Renaissance Review. Vol. 16: No. 1 (April 2014): 83-93.; Richard Hooker: His Life, Work, and Legacy: Essays in Honour of W. David Neelands, co-edited with Daniel Graves (Toronto: St. Osmund Press, 2013); Richard Hooker’s Use of History in His Defence of Public Worship: His Anglican Critique of Calvin, Barrow and the Puritans (Lewiston, New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2011).


Scott has been a member of the Sixteenth Century Society since 2006 where he often reads a paper and Chairs a session at the society’s annual meeting. He is the convenor of the Richard Hooker Society, and a member of the Baptist Historical Society.


As a Baptist with an ecumenical approach to ministry, Scott celebrates the Reformation roots of his own tradition. He brings his training as an ecclesiastical historian to the ministry, believing that knowledge about the doctrinal and devotional roots of Christianity plays a vital role in promoting greater catholicity among the followers of Christ. Thus, Scott’s theology of ministry and worship has been informed by both his diversity of experiences and his keen interest in the Bible and the history of ideas.


From 2012-2018 Scott represented the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec on the Governing Board of the Canadian Council of Churches.


Scott and Kerry have two children, Elizabeth and Samuel.


Wolfville Baptist Church, 487 Main Street, Wolfville, NS, B4P 1E3


© 2025  Wolfville Baptist


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